
ARINC 429 Transceiver

Source: Holt Integrated Circuits
The HI-8582/HI-8583 ARINC System-On-A-Chip is a fully integrated transmitter and dual receiver with built-in line driver and receivers for direct ARINC 429 interface
Holt Integrated CircuitsI-8582/HI-8583 ARINC System-On-A-Chip is a fully integrated transmitter and dual receiver with built-in line driver and receivers for direct ARINC 429 interface. The device features 32 word by 32-bit FIFO for each receive and transmit channel and 16 user programmable labels per receive channel. The chip offers software selectable ARINC data rates/output slope control and 32nd transmit bit software selectable as parity or data.

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